Make Hugging a Daily Practice

Hugs and the Benefits

I just got back from a business cruise with amazing women entrepreneurs. It was hosted by Caterina Rando. This was the Mastermind Speaker Cruise. Not only did I learn many amazing tips about speaking, but I felt the support, love and camaraderie among and with the other fantastic women. One of the things that was an added huge benefit were the heartfelt hugs that we exchanged every day. The hugs instantly improved my mood and created great positive feelings. That is why my blog this month is about hugging and the benefits.

Hugging is scientifically proven to have a therapeutic effect on us. Here are some of the benefits:

*Improves your mood

*Reduces heart rate

*Balances your nervous system

*Reduces stress

*Boosts your immune system

*Helps fight depression

*Helps lower blood pressure

*May work as an anti-ager because oxytocin may be released, which is important in maintaining a youthful body and healthy muscles

*Increases serotonin

More About Serotonin

The scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. It is mainly found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets. It is an important chemical and neurotransmitter in the human body. What are some of the functions? Here is a list.

Promotes Better Sleep

Improves Brain Function

May Promote Digestive Health

May Help With Weight Loss

Helps Manage Pain

May Aid Treatment Of OCD

I hope you have found this blog helpful. I have many ‘Fit-Tip’ ideas available on my YouTube channel and in my free eBook “30 Intentions in 30 Days.” To learn more about Posture for Health and my Body Re-Design Program and Body Re-Design Retreats visit my website Also, if you are in need of “just a get-away” take a look at my Mountain Guest House Retreat. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel or follow me on Facebook for easy fit-tip ideas to incorporate into your life to become a healthier YOU. They only take minutes a day.

Wishing you many hugs everyday for a healthy, pain free life!
