Body Re-Design by Jacque

What is Postural Realignment

Postural Misalignment is the foundational cause of most physical pain. Symmetry is a patented physics based program which focuses on pain relief through postural re-alignment and corrective exercise.  Unlike most programs, Symmetry can explain exactly how misalignment causes the pain and issues you are experiencing and tells you how to resolve them. I measure you in all planes of motion to determine the best movements required to correct each misalignment. I then create a personalized program which creates long lasting effect versus a short term fix.

Why you Hurt

We begin life with optimal posture and function which enables us to move effectively and efficiently in relation to gravity. Sedentary lifestyles, injuries, and dysfunctional movement patterns compromise our optimal posture. Symmetry refers to this as System Breakdown, and it leads to inconsistent function, creating chronic pain! Symmetry reverses this breakdown by immediately changing your alignment to co-exist effectively with gravity; most importantly, it gives you the power to heal yourself with an easy home-management program. Follow it and you'll create an active Pain-Free life forever!

Why use Symmetry

Symmetry specializes in identifying the cause of pain due to postural weakness or dysfunction. Symmetry distinguishes itself from other programs by using an assessment which objectively measures your specific misalignments. After identifying the cause of postural weakness or dysfunction, we re-train the body with simple exercise movements to address your unique needs. This serves to "re-create" the neural pathways, allowing the brain to send correct signals to the muscles. Symmetry restores strength and balance to these muscle groups so that they can realign, perform optimally and thus reduce or eliminate chronic pain.

Jacque graduated from the University of Wisconsin with an independent major, “Bio-Psychological Development Specialist.” This degree (a wellness degree) included physiology, psychology, exercise science, rehabilitation and other areas in the health sciences.

She has been helping clients achieve a higher level of health and wellness for nearly 40 years. She is also certified as a personal trainer, group fitness leader, and medical exercise specialist through the following organizations; National Academy of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine, Kenneth Cooper’s Aerobic Institute, and American Academy of Health, Fitness and Rehabilitation Professionals.

Why I love Symmetry

After a major accident in 2011 which caused severe damage to my low back, I was willing to do anything to avoid surgery.

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Before      After

Symmetry works! I have had scoliosis since childhood. Several years ago I asked two physical therapists for exercises to correct it; both responded that it was impossible to correct scoliosis in adults. My chiropractor, seeing the improvement another of his patients in her 70’s achieved through Symmetry, recommended Jacque. With her help I am reversing the scoliosis I created by poor posture sixty-two years ago at the age of nine, as well as the hunched over back I developed more recently.

I have been in the Symmetry program for fifteen weeks and am noticing very positive changes. I walk with greater ease. I center and focus better, whether doing a mental activity such as reading or a physical one like vacuuming or gardening. Swimming is easier. The bunchy” feeling in my right hip that plagued me for many years has mostly disappeared. Back pain that often accompanied sneezing or pulling a chair up to the table has diminished both in frequency and in degree. For the first time the adjustments my chiropractor made did not hurt, and when I asked how he saw my spine he replied much improved”. I am also doing personal training with Jacque and have become stronger, strength that supports my progress in achieving a more symmetrical body. Yes, I still have scoliosis, and with time and more exercises I hope to improve even more, but I am extremely pleased with the progress I have made straightening a crooked spine. 

I have been in the Symmetry program for fifteen weeks and am noticing very positive changes. I walk with greater ease. I center and focus better, whether doing a mental activity such as reading or a physical one like vacuuming or gardening. Swimming is easier. The bunchy” feeling in my right hip that plagued me for many years has mostly disappeared. Back pain that often accompanied sneezing or pulling a chair up to the table has diminished both in frequency and in degree. For the first time the adjustments my chiropractor made did not hurt, and when I asked how he saw my spine he replied much improved”. I am also doing personal training with Jacque and have become stronger, strength that supports my progress in achieving a more symmetrical body. Yes, I still have scoliosis, and with time and more exercises I hope to improve even more, but I am extremely pleased with the progress I have made straightening a crooked spine. 

I highly recommend Symmetry and I highly recommend Jacque. She is totally with” her clients, makes adjustments to the exercises easily and has a good sense of when to push a client more and when to suggest an easier variation. Working with her is proving to be an excellent investment in my health and general well-being.

Meredith Herman

Before      After

"I never noticed my poor posture until I walked in front of a store front window and saw my reflection. I walked like a 90 year old man. Jacque taught me Symmetry exercises that straightened my posture and when I practice my lessons I feel much better when walking. IT REALLY WORKS!"

John Branton